The photo of my son above shows pretty much how I've felt lately.
It has been a whirlwind of a few months. I hope to get back into blogging because I have so many things to discuss!
First off, I quit my job of 4 1/2 years the Friday before Easter. Since then my husband started a career in Accounting, after being a stay-at-home-husband-turned-daddy for over a year. It was a tough transition. I was so used to being around a lot of noise and constantly "on the go" and suddenly I stopped it to be home with my son. I am forever grateful I did, and my husband stepped up to take on a job. All the while he got his AA degree! It may not seem like much but I couldn't be happier for him.

My darling son is now a little over 5 months old. He has 5 teeth and 3 more poking through. How on Earth he has all these teeth baffles me. This had led to many screaming, restless nights. We'll see what the doctor says at his next check-up. We also estimated that our little man is about 20lbs., we already had to transition him to a new car seat. He now sits up and can roll around to his right. We're still working on rolling to the left. I caught him saying "Mama" on film and currently he's saying "Ba".
In financial news: I understand many families are struggling just to find a job, and I just up an left mine, where I was very secure. Now, we continue to live paycheck-to-paycheck but took away a job and added more months to our sons age, making money very tight. Where we can, we pinch our pennies. After much discussion, we chose to be a one car family and sold my car to a dealership. While it is nice only worrying about one car, my husband must depend on me to drop him off and pick him up from work. Luckily his parent's home is a short distance from his job so I am able to visit them after dropping him off.
I have also begun couponing. While, I am nowhere near the "extreme" seen on TV, I have Excel spreadsheets of my coupon inventory as well as a large coupon binder (My
shop will soon carry these!). My mother-in-law and I are working on said binders.
I really hope to chronicle more of my adventures in being a SAHM [including breastfeeding, homemade baby items, meals, organizing tips), dealing my low-income finances, and trying to be the best wife I can be for the best husband.