Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Two Days Until Eviction

In a few short days, maybe even hours I will have traded everything for love. Today, I am 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Yesterday I had a doctor appointment and made an appointment to have my son born on Friday, January 21. So far this was never the pregnancy I anticipated. I was told that first time mom's typically deliver up to a week late. In my hopes to have as close to a natural birth as possible I would really like for my son to pick his own birth day today or tomorrow. There is no going back if I enter the hospital Friday morning to be induced. I have tried just about everything [except castor oil] to naturally induce labor. On Friday, if Robby has yet to show, I'm sure I will be given Pitocin. This is a drug that helps get the body in gear and bring on labor. Unfortunately unlike natural births Pitocin will take you from 0-60 in a matter of minutes, making breathing techniques harder to achieve. I am determined to go Epidural free though. After decades of being around the risks and cons continue to outway the pros. However, if I am laboring for hours beyond belief and I have hit a point of unbearable pain then the Epidural remains an option.

So here's to hoping a easy natural labor soon or a very smooth induction Friday. Either way I will have a son this weekend. I can't believe it!

{photo credit: Rennie Ellis}

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