I cannot believe a whole month [and two days] have passed since my son was born. Robby has completely changed my world and I wouldn't have it any other way. In the month he has been around he has already been to a wedding, celebrated 3 family member's birthday days, gone to many restaurants when Daddy and I are too tired to cook, and received tons of love from family and close friends. By two weeks old he reached one pound over birth weight and we have mastered the art of breastfeeding. His first smile while awake was February 8 and this was when he was laying butt-naked on his changing table...his favorite thing to do. His neck muscles are also developing so well. When he's being burped he loves to look around.
In the coming months I look forward to starting him on cloth diapers, watching him pull the cats tails, force me to chase after him [giving me a good workout], doing arts and crafts, and giving him a lot more kisses!
But for now I relish his chubby cheeks, his little hands on my chest when he nurses, his coos, and how adorable he is as he takes his naps in his farm chair.
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