Friday, February 25, 2011


My son loves being mobile. If he is awake, he has to be in motion some way, some how. I'm sure he'll have me chasing him when he's able to walk. Until then, he needs to be walked, bounced, vibrated, swung, rocked and taken for a walk. If not that, he loves laying naked and "talking" while laying on his changing pad. Today he was getting a bit fussy and, since I live in an apartment I had to grab the mail a few buildings down, I decided to take him for a little walk around the complex. Needless to say, he loved it so much that he snagged a little nap:

 Even though he's getting so big so quick [11 lbs already!] seeing his cone shaped head reminds me how tiny he still is. And as much as I hate living in the Florida heat, it's nice to take my son out in just his onesie instead of piling on the jackets!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

One month?!

 I cannot believe a whole month [and two days] have passed since my son was born. Robby has completely changed my world and I wouldn't have it any other way. In the month he has been around he has already been to a wedding, celebrated 3 family member's birthday days, gone to many restaurants when Daddy and I are too tired to cook, and received tons of love from family and close friends. By two weeks old he reached one pound over birth weight and we have mastered the art of breastfeeding. His first smile while awake was February 8 and this was when he was laying butt-naked on his changing table...his favorite thing to do. His neck muscles are also developing so well. When he's being burped he loves to look around.
In the coming months I look forward to starting him on cloth diapers, watching him pull the cats tails, force me to chase after him [giving me a good workout], doing arts and crafts, and giving him a lot more kisses!
But for now I relish his chubby cheeks, his little hands on my chest when he nurses, his coos, and how adorable he is as he takes his naps in his farm chair.

Friday, February 11, 2011

A whole new world

I never could have imagined what being a new mom would be like. I've heard the stories, read the books, but nothing truly prepared me for parenthood. They say people don't change over night. That may be true...until you have a child. Going out is quite the adventure. In Robby's 3 weeks and one day he has made an hour long trip to and from Orlando, numerous restaurants, Target and Wal-Mart, and his grandparents and great-grandparents homes. Just about all of these trips have included changing diapers in the back seat of cars or public restrooms, and nursing in the backseat of cars, public restrooms and once while eating dinner out. Having a nursing cover is quite the blessing.
My husband, changing table, walls, floor and I have been peed on by quite a powerful stream and wet poo has made it's way sliding down the changing pad all over my son's back and also in a nice fresh batch of bath water. I've woken up to see my son's face next to a pile of spit-up. And let's not mention the evening time when we're trying to ready dinner and my son has a screaming fit where nothing works to soothe him [COLIC!].
My shirts have seen dryer days [breast milk let downs...] and my eyes have seen longer nights. Our family members have seen a nicer Marleena in the past as I now have become a crazy mother; sanitize your hands, don't don't his hands, don't kiss his face, if he's asleep stay away, you cannot carry him around in public, you cannot carry him if you've had alcohol, stay out of his face, if he's fussy/hungry hand him right back to mom. I know this new-mom phase will diminish but at 3 weeks old I can't stand the idea of anything happening to my precious baby [though I have clipped his finger while trying to clip his nails and my husband shot gripe water straight done his throat last night because the syringe is horrible.]

But at the end of the day it's all worth while. To see my son so calm as he nurses, and those moments that, while awake, he'll smile at me when I talk to him. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me.